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Plant Focus

Quercus dumosa acorn
Animals, plants, and fungi depend on this humble tree, but its future—and theirs—is all but certain.

Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae Genetics Symposium

Event Date: 
Wednesday, 1 November 2017 to Friday, 3 November 2017

The Morton Arboretum is organizing a meeting with ChenShan Botanical Garden in Shanghai on Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae genetics. Here follows the invitation to participate:

We are pleased to invite you to join us November 1-3, 2017 at the IUFRO special working group on Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae genetics and genomics to be held at the beautiful ChenShan Botanical Garden in Shanghai, China.   Mark your calendars and make plans to participate as this exciting meeting will bring together the latest results and insights from several large collaborative genomic studies led by teams on several different continents!

Meeting dates: Nov 1-3, 2017.  We will be scheduling pre and post-meeting tours locally in Shanghai and in the surrounding provinces as well as in Yunnan, satisfying both cultural and fagaceous interests.  We will also be organizing genomic analysis and ex-situ conservation workshops associated with the meeting.  This meeting is being jointly organized by the Chen Shan Botanical Garden and The Morton Arboretum’s Center for Tree Science.

Conference Poster (click on image to enlarge)

Venue: ChenShan Botanical Garden, Shanghai, China.  The CSBG is a comprehensive botanical garden with strong scientific content and beautiful garden landscapes, integrating scientific research, popularization of science, landscape and leisure, co-constructed by Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State Forestry Administration.  Officially launched in March 2007, the Garden was fully open on January 23, 2011.  More information about the CSBG can be found at the following link:  https://www.bgci.org/garden.php?id=4544.

Confirmed speakers: Christophe Plomion (NRA), Antoine Kremer (INRA), Jeannine Cavender-Barres (U Minnesota), Victoria Sork (UCLA), Jeanne Romero-Severson (Notre Dame), Andrew Hipp (Morton), Chuck Cannon (Morton), Sean Hoban (Morton), Xiao-Yong Chen (East China Normal Univ), Ye Sun (South China Ag Univ).  

Website for registration and abstract submission: http://www.ibiodiversity.net/Meeting/Conference_en.html?groupid=IUFROINA2017


Chenshan Botanical Garden
3888 Chenhua Lu, Songjiang Shanghai
Event Category: