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Editor's Picks

Group photo at The Savill Garden
Three-day event included visits to two parks in Berkshire...
Roderick Cameron | Aug 18, 2024
Rebekah Mohn presenting at IBC 2024
Several abstracts included research involving Quercus.
Website Editor | Aug 13, 2024
Participants at the Oak Study Day in Arboretum des Pouyouleix
This five-day event included visits to four oak collections...
Website Editor | Aug 12, 2024

Plant Focus

Quercus dumosa acorn
Animals, plants, and fungi depend on this humble tree, but its future—and theirs—is all but certain.

Photo Galleries

Quercus pubescens (Photos by Michel Timacheff)

Quercus pubescens pictured by photographer and IOS member Michel Timacheff

7th International Oak Society - Post-Conference Tour - Oct. 3-7, 2012 - Gallery 4/4

October 7 - Arboretum des Pouyouleix (continued)
October 7 - Arboretum de Montagnac - Private collection- Laurent Lautier

7th International Oak Society Conference - Post-Conference Tour - Oct. 3-7, 2012 - Gallery 2/4

October 4: Arboretum de Chocha (continued)
October 4: Forêt Communale de Sare
October 5: Jardín Botánico de Iturraran (Spain), Francisco Garin, Director
October 6: Arboretum de la Bergerette - National Collection American Oaks - Private collection - Shaun Haddock


7th International Oak Society Conference - Post-Conference Tour - October 3-7, 2012 - Gallery 3/4

October 6: Arboretum de la Bergerette (continued)
October 7: Arboretum des Pouyouleix - National Collection genus Quercus - Private collection - Béatrice Chassé


7th International Oak Society Conference - Post-Conference Tour - October 3-7, 2012 - Gallery 1/4

October 3 - Le Centre de Graoux
October 3 - La Réserve Naturelle du Courant d'Huchet;
October 4 - Arboretum de Chocha - National Collection Mexican Oaks - Private collection - Michel Duhart


7th International Oak Society Conference - Bordeaux, France - Sep. 29 to Oct. 2, 2012

The photo gallery of the 7th International Oak Society Conference, the second in a series of three (be sure to visit the Pre-Conference and Post-Conference photo gallery as well). Participants wishing to include photos of the Conference should send them to Béatrice Chassé.

7th International Oak Society Conference - Pre-Conference Tour, 26 - 28 September 2012

The Pre-Conference Tour of the 7th International Oak Society Conference took participants from le Jardin des Plantes and l'Arboretum de Chevreloup (Paris) to l'Arboretum Gaston Allard (Angers) and the Forêt de Bercé and finally to l'Arboretum national des Barres and l'Arboretum de Grandes Bruyères (Ingrannes).This is the first in a series of three photo galleries, the second being the Conference itself (29 September to 2 October) and the third, the Post-Conference Tour (2-7 October).

Northern Greece Gallery I

This is the companion photo gallery for the trip report of the IOS trip to Northern Greece in September-October 2011. All photos are by Allan Taylor, author of the report

Northern Greece Gallery II


This is a second companion photo gallery for the trip report of the IOS trip to Northern Greece in September-October 2011. Pictures are by IOS member Gert Dessoy.


Oak Open Day Belgium: Meise

The National Botanical Garden of Belgium at Meise is the second garden visited on the occasion of the Open Oak Day in Belgium in September 2011

Open Oak Day Belgium: Arboretum Wespelaar

Arboretum Wespelaar is the first garden visited on the occasion of the Open Oak Day in Belgium in September 2011

Mexico 2010 Collecting Trip

This is the companion photo gallery for the trip report of the collecting trip done by Béatrice Chassé in Mexico in September-October 2010 (pictures by the author).
